Wear Your Truth

A poem about answering your calling

Ayu Johari


Photo by Tatum Bergen on Unsplash

In these times we live in it’s hard to wear your Truth
Blind optimism is a dreamer’s Catch22
Talent is a gift as it is a curse
It began as a soft, nudging whisper in the heart
But the calling grew louder and stronger
Like someone screaming into my ears
The stronger it called me
The more I resisted
Find a safe cover and hide, my instincts told me
All I want to do is
Run away
Because running has always been
What I’m good at
But now I can’t run away anymore
These truths are my anchor
The silent voice in me whispered
Wear your Truth
Don’t be afraid



Ayu Johari

Actively dreaming. I make art, write and pretty much live in my own head. If you love art, follow my IG: ayuujohari